With XnO Stamps, print court and field layouts on paper quickly, cleanly, and efficiently.
Select your desired layout, stamp it on the paper, and start working on your X’s and O’s.

The Story behind XnO Stamps

As a long-time basketball coach, I participate in a lot of clinics. While taking notes and drawing drills and diagrams during these clinics, I kept thinking about how I could streamline this process. That’s when I came up with the idea of these stamps.
I played basketball for twenty-one years, and during that time, one of the best ways for me to learn new plays and drills was to draw them on paper. Once I started coaching, I learned that it’s necessary to work on X’s and O’s on paper; but the problem is I’m really bad at drawing! I’m always looking for ways to plan practices more efficiently and for organized record keeping. Like many coaches, though, I struggled with maintaining well-kept notes and practice plans. At the same time, I love documenting and really want to be able to organize my thoughts at games and practices, or when I’m watching a clinic or a video, or scouting. So, I need to draw a lot of diagrams. This is where the stamps come in.
Our XnO Stamp Collection
Why XnO Stamps?
Print wherever you want, whenever you want, and start drawing.
Save time, whether you’re taking notes at a coaching clinic, completing your practice plan, or want to remember a play you saw at a game or practice.

Focus on scouting.
Instead of wasting time on drawing an action while you’re scouting, stamp it and turn your focus to games, workouts, or videos of individuals and teams.
Keep your practice plan and notes simple and elegant.
A great tool to keep your practice plan and notes well-documented and organized.

Educate yourself.
By drawing plays and drills on the court and field layouts, you can continue improving your knowledge of the game.